April 25, 2019

What it Means to Adopt an A/U Ranches Horse


Some generous donors last year were inspired to adopt a horse from the A/U Ranches’ herd, and they’re glad they did. Linda Clarke, the enrollment manager/office manager at the A/U Ranches (and an expert horsewoman), has been keeping these adoptive donors up to date on what their chosen horses have been doing over the year and the care they’ve received, along with a current photo.

Chica’s adoption certificate, given to her adoptive donor, Bill

Here’s an example of one of the updates Linda sent to Bill Webster, who adopted Chica during last year’s Wrangler Reunion:


Hello Bill!

I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the new year! We have snow on the ground and it is definitely feeling like winter!

As you might have guessed, the horses are fat and happy with winter coats fit for kings and queens. Chica is right in there enjoying her winter off with the rest of them. As you can see by her picture, she has put on some weight which also helps the horses stay warm in the winter. We didn’t use her for Christmas Camp because, as you know, she is a more advanced horse and we didn’t feel as though putting inexperienced riders on her would serve her well – or them. She does love the attention though and is such a sweet girl. When I walk across the trap to take a short cut to the corral from my house she always comes up and greets me. The playful side of her wants to chase and play with our dogs, but she never hurts them. She just wants to play. Dottie, Lach’s dog, doesn’t mind and will play chase with her, but Dobie stays clear.

I am so glad you were able to ride her during the Wrangler Reunion and form that connection with her. I can still see you shooting off her for the first time and seeing her trust in you and being okay with it. Thank you for sponsoring her and loving her from afar.

We all look forward to the next time you come out. It would be fun to have you come back for the riding program of Mini Camp and ride with us as you reconnect with Chica. 

Please feel free to be in touch any time you have questions about Chica or would like more photos.

Have a wonderful day!


Bill, who’s a member of Adventure Unlimited’s National Alumni Board (NAB), was delighted with the update. He sent back this message:


Howdy Linda,

Thanks for the update on Chica, it’s really cool to have an adopted horse such as Chica. Since I’m horseless at home I can feel attached to such a great horse, and I can’t wait to get back again – at least for [the] NAB [meeting] in October, but maybe I can get a few wranglers to come out in August. I’m helping a friend work her horses in locally, so I can at least get a fix about once a week….

Love any pics you send, that horse is a perfect mate, thanks to your choice for me to ride Chica!

Warmest regards,



A huge thank you to all of the wonderful donors who adopted horses in the past year! If you’d like to adopt a horse, several are available for $150/month or $1,800 for one year to provide hay, grain, shoeing, care and training. Check them out here:

Adopt a horse

If you have a horse in mind who’s not on our list, let us know! We’ll get your adoption papers ready. Just contact Laura Lochen at 888.416.7348 x107 or email. Thank you!

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