March 26, 2024

Update for Alumni: Gathering in the Winter

By Michael Brown, Executive Director

I’ve followed DiscoveryBound’s (DB) National Leadership Council (NLC) closely for years, even before joining the Adventure Unlimited team, but this was my first year attending the All Class Retreat, held at Principia College. I was hardly prepared for how significantly moving this event is for NLC teens, leaders, mentors and guests alike – including me. I got to watch the newest classes bond together, the graduating teens reflect on the incredible experiences they’d had over the four years in the program, and the sophomore and junior classes eagerly anticipate their next great adventures together. 


The DB NLC 2024A class at its final All Class Retreat


I was filled with hope and joy witnessing the caliber of teens and their adult supporters in this program. It was a huge group gathered together with a shared purpose to grow spiritually, learn leadership and form a vital community centered around the daily application of Christian Science. I left that weekend even more excited that our work at Adventure Unlimited is having a real and positive impact on our world.


Michael Brown at the DB NLC All Class Retreat in January


A busy season
And that’s just one example of the great things that have happened over the last few months! 

Our DB Outreach National Event combined virtual and in-person elements to explore the inspirational side of cooking. 

We enjoyed another successful Adult Bible Study program at the A/U Ranches, where 21 guests joined together with instructor Helen Mathis to explore the emergence of Christianity in its first 500 years. 

Christmas Camp was a joyous occasion shared with friends and family, filled with snowy adventures in the mountains and peaceful relaxation at Valerie Lodge. 

We’ve had a DB Outreach teen winter weekend at the Berkshires, a 20s/30s adventure in Park City, UT, our 21st year of camping and kayaking in Jetty Park, FL, a wonderful all-ages winter weekend at the A/U Ranches and more. Yes, winter is a busy time! 


Teens during the DB Outreach winter weekend in the Berkshires


I also appreciate the creativity in our many programs. Do you know of a middle-schooler who likes to play video games? We’d love to have them join our Gaming for Good community, where young folks gather together online each month for some serious Christian Science inspiration and some serious fun building worlds in Minecraft. How cool is that? 

Activities like these are just part of the great legacy that has formed at Adventure Unlimited for generations. We are excited to build on that legacy with our new strategic plan, currently under development. I look forward to sharing more details with you in the fall about how we can work together to shape the next chapter of the Adventure Unlimited story. 

Because it is about working together! Thank you for your support of and love for Adventure Unlimited. Whether at the A/U Ranches this summer, at a DiscoveryBound event near your home or with one of our virtual programs, we hope you always feel at home with your Adventure Unlimited family.

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