April 27, 2021

Summer Program Updates: What to Expect


Wondering how Adventure Unlimited’s summer and fall programming is being affected by current regulations? Here’s a quick look at what we’re planning right now.

Youth Camp 

We are running normal residential summer camp sessions, but they will look a little different this summer, while the important parts of camp remain the same: growing closer to God, spending time with friends and participating in awesome activities. Read all about the various ways we’re modifying our programming to meet current regulations.

Youth Camp 2021 FAQs

Join us for a summer full of adventure and inspiration!

Family and Adult Mini Camp

Sign-ups for our summer programming for adults are in full swing! New session options for Family Camp are being offered in June, July and August. Also, both half and full session options are available for Adult Mini Camp in August. Join us!

100 Elk

100 Elk Outdoor Center is gearing up for a very busy fall! In addition to hosting our 20th Staff Reunion over Labor Day, we are fully booked from August 30 through October 31, and many schools that typically bring only one grade are hoping to bring two this year to make up for 2020. We can’t wait to witness the growth and create memories with students again.

Climb to new heights this summer!

DiscoveryBound Outreach 

Registration for DB Outreach’s national event at CedarS Camps is open. Be on the lookout here for details about the Adult Backpacking Trip in July and other virtual and in-person events coming up. Although the Iceland trip planned for September was cancelled due to current travel restrictions, DB is planning for a domestic 20s/30s trip. Stay tuned!

DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council 

Trips for all NLC classes this summer will be domestic due to current regulations that affect international travel. NLC alumni: We need you to serve as chaperones and counselors for our summer programs! If you’re interested in becoming a chaperone for future trips, fill out this interest form: DiscoveryBound Volunteer Interest Form

DiscoveryBound Compass

Registration for the upcoming fall Compass groups (up to two) is open from May to August. The groups’ first retreat will take place over Labor Day weekend. Register for Compass

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