November 14, 2014

Oregon Teen Learns to Forgive Herself during Chapter Trip to Boston

By Kelly Anderson
Southern Oregon Chapter Worker


Kylie and friend

In fall 2013, the DiscoveryBound chapter in Southern Oregon took a group to Boston, which included four teens and two adults. All six of us had a fantastic time, seeing most sites we planned to see—the Mary Baker Eddy Library, two of Mrs. Eddy’s homes and the Longyear Museum—as well as attending Wednesday and Sunday services at The Mother Church. Each of our teens was inspired by the visit, and we witnessed several healings while there. Two of the teens have begun college, taking with them what they learned.

One of the participants, Kylie, shared with us how her thinking changed throughout the course of the trip and the inspiration that came through prayer:

Today we visited the Longyear Museum. I found it very inspiring and healing. I have struggled for the past few years with feeling like I am not a good enough Christian Scientist. I’ve seen other young people who seem like they have a really close relationship with God and that they are really in touch with their spiritual side. I, however, have felt lost. I have made many mistakes in my life and I have had a hard time moving past them and forgiving myself and realizing that God has already forgiven me.

Last night a guy shared a testimony about losing himself during a wrestling season and at the end of the season giving up a match because he hated wrestling so much. Afterward he felt terrible and prayed about it. Through [reading] Science and Health, he realized that he could change his ways and his attitude immediately, as long as he moved forward and never looked back. I prayed with these thoughts last night, and the museum furthered my inspiration.

I found out that Mrs. Eddy was 45 by the time she had her first healing and discovered C.S. Before that, she had many great troubles. Even after, she had to be watchful and work diligently to keep her spiritual perception. I had a great realization that if she could work that hard for that long, hope was not lost for me! Also, Kelly has mentioned multiple times that my spiritual insight is delightful. This has made me open my eyes to my good qualities. Hopefully, I can continue to focus on this newly found light and block out the negative material energy that has plagued me for the last few years.

Today I choose to go forward and never look back. I am a wonderful person today, yesterday and always, for time is unreal. This trip has been such a blessing already and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

If you would like to support DiscoveryBound’s purpose of providing inspiring recreational, leadership and service activities on local, regional, national and international events in an atmosphere where individuals experience Christian Science in action, you can make your gift by selecting DiscoveryBound Fund or DiscoveryBound Scholarship Fund from the Designation menu in this online form. You can also email or call us at 303.779.3000 ext. 107.
Thank you for your support!
Adventure Unlimited – DiscoveryBound is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. A/U-DB Foundation is the fundraising arm of Adventure Unlimited.

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