October 20, 2022

New Leadership, New Program, New Hub

By Gina Lindquist-Bailey, Executive Director

In reading through the many pages of fruitage, healings and gratitude that have come from A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound (DB) programs, what stood out are the ways in which our 2022 metaphysical theme from Philippians (scroll to the bottom of this page to read it) is being lived and demonstrated. Most salient was the recurring idea of being in one accord with God, as evidenced by the following notes of gratitude:   

“I would be remiss if I did not share this dear moment with you… the family was playing a board game last night. [Our grandson] looked very thoughtful and remarked, ‘You know, I learned SO much about God at camp.’ Well, I about lost it when I heard that comment because nothing means more to me than the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE aspect of camp for ALL campers! Thank you for your support of CS and love of camp.” – Grandparent of an A/U Ranches camper

DiscoveryBound Compass teens in Boston

“[DiscoveryBound] Compass has made a difference in my life because it was a light amidst the darkness. Before Compass, Christian Science was present in my life but I was not sure how to apply it. Now I feel more of a connection.” – Teen participant, DB Compass

These sentiments, and so many others like them, highlight our commitment to remaining focused on God, and in the process, being of one accord. We heard more this year from parents about the solid foundation of Christian Science being present in programs. And like every year, we are grateful for the opportunities to see so many significant healings through the transformation of thought – from healing of claims of COVID-19 to the releasing of fear, and from inharmony to the manifestation of peace, realizing God’s permanence. Thank you for your metaphysical support.

A few highlights to share:

New staff leadership. We are thrilled to be welcoming many new full-time staff members who will be leading Adventure Unlimited forward with grace, passion and a commitment to putting God first in all things, as well as providing inspiring programs that open windows to God. Several are alumni, while others are new faces to the organization, and each is a great addition to the organization. Read details of the leadership announcement.

New DB college-aged program. Along with our traditional programming, we recently launched a new DiscoveryBound program called Ignite, modeled after Compass, meant for those aged 18-22. Additionally, DB Outreach is on track to serve more individuals in this year’s programs than in previous years through a combination of in-person and virtual programs, including growing 20s/30s events.

The new Hub building was dedicated in August 2022.

New Hub. In August, we were grateful to welcome back many of our former trustees and others to the dedication of the new Hub administrative building at the A/U Ranches. We are excited to be moving into this new facility where we can welcome everyone. A huge thanks goes to alumni Andrew Fahrney, who spearheaded the project; Pete Husak, who provided the beautiful new furniture; and to the many others who had a hand in seeing this project to completion.

We appreciate all of our alumni and love the engagement, feedback and connection with you all.

Do you have a story to share about one of our recent programs? We’d love to hear it. Email us at zipline@adventureunlimited.org.

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