March 26, 2024

From the NAB: There’s So Much Alumni Can Do Right Now

By Glenn Grow, Chair, National Alumni Board

Did you know that Adventure Unlimited brings experiences to 6,000+ community members, Christian Scientists and their friends each year? There are lots of fun and easy ways in the coming months for alumni to stay connected. 

Adults can enjoy DiscoveryBound Outreach events such as overseas travel, book clubs, Bible Lesson study, winter Colorado getaways, a historic wagon adventure on the Oregon Trail in Wyoming and so much more. 


DB Outreach is offering a Historic Wagon Adventure along the Oregon Trail in July for adults.


Many alumni aren’t aware of just how much is available to Christian Scientists and their friends of all ages, especially adults, and particularly those in their 20s and 30s. Cape Cod in July, anyone? A waterpark party in Texas? Watercolor classes online? Bible study at the A/U Ranches? These are just a few of the events happening right now we can enjoy. Click here for a full event calendar.

Part of the National Alumni Board’s (NAB) role is to keep alumni involved in upcoming events and activities at the A/U Ranches and the DiscoveryBound universe. 

For example, mark your calendar for Mini Camp at the A/U Ranches, August 19-25, 2024. Adults can hike, ride, play, explore, sing around a campfire and more at the beautiful facility in Buena Vista, Colorado.  

Or put on your coveralls and join the work crew for the A/U Ranches Spring Service Weekend. Not only can you spend a glorious wildflower weekend at the A/U Ranches, but you can also renew that camp camaraderie with fellow volunteers. 

Sharing about Adventure Unlimited for future generations to enjoy is part of our alumni board mission, so get ready for Celebrate Discovery & Adventure, the annual spring fundraiser on April 25 that will include virtual chat rooms for an online party beforehand. This is a vital fundraising night with lasting impact.

NAB working for you
The NAB has been working hard in four primary areas for Adventure Unlimited alumni. 

First, we reach out to alumni with program updates like those shared above. What is happening at the A/U Ranches, in 100 Elk and in the many DiscoveryBound programs? All these activities are shared by NAB members in their daily lives and through monthly outreach.

Second, the NAB organizes reunions at the A/U Ranches with a particular focus or around an event. We’re working on a theme for Adult Mini Camp – look for details coming soon.


All adults are invited to Mini Camp to hike, ride, play, explore, sing around a campfire and more.


Third, the NAB contributes alumni profiles and content to Zipline and creates an occasional podcast, A Thousand Windows. We assist the headquarters staff with communicating with alumni about various issues, from help with camp shows to summer staffing and even two-way sharing about issues of the day.

Lastly, your alumni board reaches out specifically to alumni of special interest, such as Christian Scientists with young children, to learn how the organization can serve and engage them better. Another special alumni group are the graduates of the DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council (NLC); 20 NLC classes have graduated, so the NAB is organizing a first-ever reunion of all NLC classes and their families. 

Learn more here about how you can get involved as an alum. If you wish to serve on the National Alumni Board, please email us.

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