April 21, 2022

Engaging Alumni Looks Different, But Carries the Same Goal

By Lane Brown, National Alumni Board chair

Since the National Alumni Board (NAB) annual retreat last fall, our group has spent thousands of hours connecting with alumni around the globe. The ways we connect with alumni extend from our phones, our computers, our prayerful work and our presence at programs around the country and at the A/U Ranches.

Our shared single goal as a group – no matter how we go about it – is to connect alumni to the programs they know and love.

Our Program Outreach team has spent time extending thank you calls to generous donors. Our Alumni Connections team is finding ways to engage alumni in their 20s and 30s from the DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council (NLC) program; they’re also exploring an initiative designed to support and connect young parents (email us to learn more). Our Communications team is producing new episodes of “A Thousand Windows” – a podcast capturing the rich stories of Adventure Unlimited’s alumni community. And our Mini Camp/Reunions team is busily planning for a Mountaineering Reunion this August during Adult Mini Camp!

We gather each month to share our wins, extend help to one another and inspire one another. We work to connect with staff at headquarters/DiscoveryBound and at the A/U Ranches to make sure we have the information that alumni need to know.

Bottom line: We love our work supporting Adventure Unlimited, and we share why in this video, taken during our retreat at the A/U Ranches last September (2021).

In the coming months, we look forward to being on the ground – alongside alumni during camp cleanup, attending DiscoveryBound and A/U Ranches programming and sharing more in-person events with everyone.

Have suggestions or questions? Email us at nab@adventureunlimited.org.

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