February 1, 2023

Blessings 15 Years after an A/U Ranches Inspirational

By Jamey Kane

Fifteen years ago I had the privilege to be a camper in the whitewater kayaking program at Round-Up Ranch. At inspiration before our first day on the river, the counselor who was the program head shared that he always strives to approach the river with “peace and joy and power” (“Mother’s Evening Prayer,” Mary Baker Eddy). 


Jamey’s adventure in whitewater kayaking in 2007


If I recall correctly, peace meant the calm needed to manage the changing conditions of the river and right motives toward everyone on it. Joy meant just that, and power referred to the strength and endurance needed to navigate the rapids. I found this idea very helpful throughout my time with whitewater kayaking, a new activity for me that really pushed me to better express many qualities of God.

In the years since, the idea of approaching tasks with “peace and joy and power” has stuck with me. I’ve found it to be applicable to whatever I’ve needed to do, including my current work as a federal contractor supporting an office in the U.S. Department of State. 

Recently my office hosted VIPs from an international organization for a series of events in Washington, D.C. in support of a U.S. foreign policy goal. The main events fell on a Thursday, but there had been a lot of work in preparation, and sitting exhausted in a Wednesday evening testimony meeting at my local branch church, I was praying for inspiration to get me through what I knew would be a long and busy next day. 

What came to me was this same idea, “peace and joy and power,” that had been shared 15 years before. In this context, peace referred to calm and awareness for myself as well as right motives toward, and good relationships with, everyone I was working with. Joy was again just that, and power applied to the stamina as well as the poise I needed to fulfill my duties. This idea was incredibly helpful to me; I was able to do everything I needed to that day and the event was very successful!

I’m very grateful for Christian Science, and the continuing practical applicability of this and other ideas learned at the A/U Ranches!

Do you have an inspiring camp memory? Send it to stories@adventureunlimited.org and it could appear here in Zipline.

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