September 6, 2012

A/U Ranches Keep Getting Better with Your Help

To carry out our mission of “Opening Windows to God” the A/U Ranches offer a wide variety of fun and challenging activities that teach campers new skills and a practical reliance on God. As these programs continue to evolve, and our equipment and facilities are used, they need to be enhanced and maintained, but it comes at a cost. We need your help to ensure the A/U Ranches keep getting better!

Mountain Bikes

Mountain Biking Imagine the thrill of riding a bike down a Rocky Mountain path and relying on God to maintain your balance and speed. Many of our campers do this each summer!  A/U rents these bikes from another company in order to provide this popular and exciting activity. With your help, A/U won’t have to rent bikes and can instead maintain our own fleet of 10 high quality mountain bikes. In order to build this fleet, we are offering the opportunity for our friends and supporters to name each bike for $1,000. Friends can name a bike after themselves, a loved one, or just be whimsical. To support this effort, see donation details below.

Yurt Campus

The new yurt village

On the northwest corner of the Ranches we have added a yurt campus to help us expand the use of our facility.  A ‘yurt’ is a circular tent like structure constructed of tough canvas walls, wrapped around a wood frame. It sits on a concrete foundation and is a permanent building. They serve as sleeping quarters, classrooms, as well as meeting space.

This summer the National Leadership Council (NLC) utilized these new buildings during their camp experience at the A/U Ranches. The new campus, temporarily known as “The Yurt Campus”, is made up of three large yurts, a shower house and a latrine. The entire campus is powered by solar, which donated by a generous supporter. The campus will cost $150,000 to complete, and we are still welcoming financial contributions. To support this effort, see donation details below.

Climbing Wall

Climbing wall in Wyly Lodge The indoor climbing gym at Wyly Lodge is a heavily utilized resource in training youth to rock climb. Here children can learn climbing methods, techniques and safety in a safe indoor environment. The walls have various levels of difficulty for each climber to challenge themselves. The climbing wall is one of the most popular attractions at the A/U Ranches, and in the off season it is open to the public and provides additional revenue for A/U.

The time has come to update the wall at a cost of $8,000. All support is gratefully accepted.



To help continue the growth of A/U with a financial gift of any level – please visit our website, or email or call 303.779.3000 ext. 107.

If you would like to specifically support improvement projects for the Ranches, select “Capital Projects” on the online giving form under “Designations”. For naming opportunities, please contact us via email or phone.


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