
As a World War II submarine officer, John “Cap” Andrews was inspired to help prepare boys for life’s challenges – physically, mentally, and spiritually. From this simple idea grew a national nonprofit Christian Science organization that benefits thousands of youth and adults around the world.

The Beginning

Upon his return from the Navy in the 1950s, John “Cap” Andrews and his wife, Marianne, set to work on a western-style camp for boys. The goal was to help strengthen the boys physically, mentally, and spiritually so they could handle life’s challenges. Sky Valley Ranch for boys was opened in 1955 in Buena Vista, Colorado, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The success of the program quickly gained interest, so Round-Up Ranch for girls was opened in 1959 with the goal to help prepare young women for life’s challenges.


It wasn’t long before parents and campers were looking for a similar experience they could participate in year round in their own communities. The Adventure Unlimited field chapters were born and eventually grew to 120 chapters around the world.

The Present

Today, Adventure Unlimited is providing thousands of Christian Scientists and their friends of all ages with life-changing experiences. Adventure Unlimited's headquarters, which includes the DiscoveryBound offices, is located just a few miles south of Denver, while the A/U Ranches has grown to 1,600 acres at its location in Buena Vista.

Experiences for Everyone

Every year, the A/U Ranches hosts multiple summer camp sessions for Christian Science youth from around the world. Our Sky Valley Ranch supports 2nd- to 8th-grade youth, while Round-Up Ranch serves high schoolers through age 18. In addition to the summer camps, the A/U Ranches hosts a variety of adult & family programs and events throughout the year. Our Christmas program remains one of the most treasured annual events for adults and families.

The Adventure Unlimited field chapter program grew into DiscoveryBound. DiscoveryBound consists of three program components; DB Outreach, a field program that reaches out to Christian Scientists and their friends of all faiths; DB National Leadership Council (NLC), a four-year servant leadership program for Christian Science high school teens, and DB Compass, a one-year program for Christian Science high school teens focused on spiritual exploration and connecting with peers.

Major Events Timeline


Sky Valley for boys founded

Round-Up Ranch for girls founded

Adventure Unlimited was formed as a non-profit organization with a Board of Trustees

The first local A/U chapters were launched. The first local chapter event was held with 275 teens in attendance

The Adventure Unlimited Endowment Fund was established


First Alumni Reunion

Five-year Strategic Plan approved by Trustees; major facilities renovations begin at the A/URanches

100 Elk Outdoor Center founded


A/U Field Chapter program expanded and name changed to DiscoveryBound

National Alumni Board and Alumni Bylaws established

National Leadership Council launched with 17 participants

Yurt campus completed

Bridges to the Future Campaign public launch

New Hub dedicated at the A/U Ranches

A Structure of Truth and Love


As the chair of our local chapter, I am truly grateful for the uplifting, all-embracing, ever-supportive ‘structure of Truth and Love’ that DB Outreach provides for its chapter volunteers and the communities we serve.
