Share Your Defining Moment!
“We live in an age of Love’s divine adventure to be All-in-all.” (My. 158:9)
Is there a life-changing experience you had at A/U or DiscoveryBound – one that stands out as a defining moment?
If you have had a significant healing, spiritual insight, growth and gratitude in Christian Science while at A/U or a DiscoveryBound event, we would like to hear from you. The National Alumni Board is collecting these “Defining Moments” and hopes to eventually publish a collection of them.
Here are a few highlights from recent submissions:
On a four-day backpacking trip in the Conquerors program, one camper took a tumble down a scree field as his patrol climbed Mt. Columbia. Though uninjured, he was shaken and frustrated by the experience, and wasn’t certain he could finish the climb. The group stopped for a break, and one of the counselors asked the whole group if they should continue to the peak. A prevailing atmosphere of compassion surrounded the camper, and he suggested they continue. The feeling of defeat left him.
“What happened was the entire group and I had been presented with a choice of where we would place our thought, and we decided to place it with spiritual strength. The rest of the trip proved to be fun and harmonious, and it has stood out to me as a huge victory in my own spiritual growth.” – Garner Andrews
One counselor’s defining moment came during her first year on rafting staff. She had no whitewater experience and she thought the directors had made a mistake placing her in the program. During the two weeks of training, she studied and prayed to gain confidence and learn more about God’s direction.
“This regular and earnest study, coupled with the exhilarating adventure of paddling whitewater, forever engraved on my heart the river’s large lessons of what it means to trust God with all my heart and with all my soul. Rivers also taught me the genius of humility and what it means to be fully embraced in the omnipotent and omnipresent power of God.” – Kim Korinek, CS
In 1968, one camper’s defining moment was the inspiration to study the Bible Lesson in a new way and the peace it brought to the grief he felt after his mother passed away during the spring.
“Reading the Lesson this new way, was the only thing I consciously changed from the previous summers in my approach to camp. In hindsight it seems that focus on the Bible Lesson and what I was learning of God increased my abilities, removed fears, and brought peace… The hole in my heart was filled with a deep sense of peace, comfort, and satisfaction. I felt more confidence than I had ever known. I felt more appreciation for Christian Science than I had ever known, and came home with a sense that I could demonstrate Christian Science for myself. This sense has been tested over the years but has never left. Whenever things get tough I remember what I learned of God, and proved to be true, that summer.” – Jeff Winterroth
If you have a “Defining Moment” you would like to share, please send any written accounts, or video and audio clips to us by email.
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